They changed our Lives!

Posted by krizzyla on Thursday, November 24, 2011.

September 2010, Sweets and I, together with his parents decided to take another pet dog aside from Ciolo. This is our gift for his parents and also for us to have another pet to take care of and to love. Well, more often than not it is my father-in-law who takes care of both of them.

We went all the way from Angono to SM Fairview to get Max (breed of Shi Tzu and West Highland Terrier), he was three month old at that time. He was so cute and very cuddly, the owner even gave us Max’ favorite stuffed toy. Along the way, we were all excited because we have a new member of the family but at that time Max was so quiet and just sitting tight in his box with his stuffed toy.

When we finally arrived, Ciolo was very excited to see Max and does not stop smelling him (he thought that Max was a girl). At first Max was so shy, he is always under the table or sofa, he is just playing with his stuffed toy. Then days passed and eventually Max is getting the hang of being with us, playing with Ciolo and looking straight to our eyes when we are talking to him. We treated them as if they were humans, we talked to them as if we are talking to a person and little by little Max already understood.

They are sleeping in our room, if it’s bed time, we just call them “Ciolo, Maxxie” then they will follow us in our room. I will never forget when Ciolo wake me up with his tongue on my face, maybe he thougt that I forgot to set the alarm.

When it is time for me to go to the office, I just say “Bye Baby, Love you” and they were just looking at me as if talking to me and saying “You take care and have a good day”. When I arrived from work, they are the first ones that I will see and will talk to.. I am still at the gate but I will already scream “Babies!!” and they will come into the door all barking and jumping.

Max loves to jump, he can jump up to my stomach and this happens every night when I arrive from work, he will bite me (as way of making lambing) and will jump and jump and jump over me. He was so cuddly but was very tamad. There was a time when we went to Tiendesitas for their scheduled grooming, they were both in their body straps and we both asked them to walk. Ciolo was very excited and walked on his own, but Max, oh boy, did not even bother to take one step, he always wants to be carried (he is heavy, 7kilo if i remember correctly). Even when he was being groomed, while his hair was being cut, he was sitting, so stubborn.

This was the same incident when we attended the “Doggy Day Out” in Accenture. Ciolo was very active to run and have fun and win; but Max, did not even bother to walk or run.

While we were eating both of them were looking at us.. You will know that Ciolo is hungry if he doesn’t stop barking, but for Max, he was just silent. When it’s time for them to eat, Papa will give them food at the same time. Max so loves to eat and thus he eats very fast and when his meal is done, he will stand by Ciolo and wait for him to finish. Not so they can play, but when Ciolo is already finished eating, Max will check if Ciolo left some food and will eat all of them. No wonder he reached that weight. We controlled his weight but sometime, we feel helpless if we will not have Max something to eat. Him looking at us with his puppy dog eyes was just heart melting.

I have taken so many videos and pictures of Ciolo and Max because they are part of our family. They even have their own album in our FBs. We love them both so dearly. Very cliche but it is true that humans cannot give the same love that our pets does, pet owners will definitely understand. They give an unconditional love that is incomparable. Just a simple touch and you will already feel comforted, that they will never leave you alone. If you need them, they are there and they will definitely give back the love that we are giving them. Their lives are very simple and they give what they recieve, they are very lovely.

We love both of them.

This is how I will remember Max, how he loved us, how he comforted us and how he gave the strength that we need to move on. Like in any other story, there is always the sad part. Max is already with HIM and is now watching over us. We all believed that his death was giving us a message, message that we need to dig deeper to understand. This is something that will make us stronger and even closer together. Nothing happens for nothing, everything has a reason and for this one definitely there is.

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